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April 8, 1951 - Mon.
  Couldn't get out yesterday.
Took freshly - collimated and
cleaned binoculars out  [[strikeout]]late[[strikeout]]
Sunday Afternoon, 4:00 to 5:00, 
after a rain start[[strikeout]]ing[[strikeout]] about 12:00.
Aa 2:00 P.M. I happened to
look out back door at the
drizzle, and saw a [[double underscore]]Fox Sparrow[[double underscore]]
fly up from S.E. corner of my
yard, nearest Gannon's Pear tree.
He sat on the top Fence rail for
several minutes While I studied
him, then flew to Fuller's fence,
or into Dickerson's hedge - not
sure which.
   Parked at Road at 3rd & 
Jefferson in Glen Carlyn, near
Ravine.  Many Robins & White 
Throats, also starlings.  Going down
gravel road, just past little
bridge.  I found an unusaully
colorful male [[underscore]]Yellow Bellied 
Sapsucker{underscore]] on a young hickory.