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He circled around the tree, about
25 feet up. [[underscore]]Mourning Doves[[underscore]]
called, and later two flew
over.  Red Bellied Woodpecker
called. Saw one Hairy & one
Downy; Carolina Wrens, & later 1
Winter Wren.  Several Phoebes.
Many Juncoes, as every day. First
[[underscore]]Brown Thrasher[[underscore]] positively identified
singing in top of tree on Jefferson
Street in Gen Carlyn.  Have thought
several times in past 3 weeks that
I heard on singing at Arlington Hall.
Field Sparrows. Grackles.

April 5, 1951
  [[underscore]]Chipping Sparrow[[underscore]] singing near
bus stop on Second Street.

April 14, 1951 -
   Chipping Sparrow song 
at dusk outside Elliott's.
appartment at Barcroft just
before dinner.  Claire, Susan &
 I visiting.