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We watched 4 (at least) Purple Finches in tops of big trees

April 22, 1951- Sunday-
  Myrtle Warblers - 2 or 3, calling in woods. Brown Thrasher singing at Glen Carlyn- later saw two in back yard at home.
  Saw and heard a total of 4 or 5 Black and White Warblers, calling and Singing. Hermit Thrush. Phoebe. Many Robins- Jays, Crows, etc. Broad Winged Hawks. Winter Wren up Honeysuckle Stream. Red-Winged Blackbirds overhead. Juncos. White-Throated Sparrows.
  Near Lee Blvd. Bridge an [[underline]] American Bittern [[/underline]] flew low overhead, in a straight line, heading North-West.