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for 5 minutes as it fed on edge of Dark Pool. It later flew, showing large amt. of white in tail, and deep stroke again, calling "peet-weet". Noted it bowed or nodded - [[underlined]] Solitary [[/underlined]] Sandpiper.
Heard Crested Flycatcher, saw Phoebe, heard Bl. & Wh. Warbler, one Black-Poll at Glen Carlyn as I entered woods, Catbirds, etc. Many Olive-Backed Thrushes, and great concentration of [[underlined]] White-Throated [[/underlined]] Sparrows in laurels near [[strikethrough]] Beech Bend [[/strikethrough]] G.W. Survey Marker, & later along track up [[scribble]] near Arl. Forest Homes. Heard Chestnut-Sided W. sing. Saw pair of Oven Birds together on ground, heard others. Heard Water Thrush, Hooded W., Cowbird, Cardinals (seen also) Towhees, Song Sparrow. White-Throats may leave tonight