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like Warbling Vireo or Redeye in coloring); several Parulas; [[underlined]] Yellow Warbler [[/underlined]] (first?) at home 6:50 a.m. heard twice later in day; one male Cape May in tall trees above first picnic area; 10-15 Black-Throated Blues, all males; 8-10 Myrtle Warblers; 2 Black-Throated Green (one male seen); fairly sure I heard one Blackburnian, 15-20 Chestnut-sided (heard and/or seen); 4-6 Black-Polls (saw 2); 8-12 Oven Birds; 1 Louisiana Water Thrush; 1 Kentucky W.; 2 M. Yellowthroats singing, one in woods, one near home in A.M.; 8-10 Canadas - all seen were males; 8-12 Redstarts (male and female), Baltimore Orioles - one singing at