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Mockingbird, Catbirds (6-8), Thrashers, Robins, Wood Thrushes (8-10), Olive Backed Thrushes (6-8), [[underlined]] Grey-Cheeked Thrush [[/underlined]] (2) - first one seen in [[strikethrough]] pool [[/strikethrough]] poor light (semi-silhouette) giving sharp "peee-urt" call by path near new house; late heard call way up Honeysuckle Stream and saw the Gray-Cheeked in perfect light across stream, near where path turns up to Apartment Houses. He flew tamely down to stream edge & hunted like a Water Thrush (also here), then to stump 20 feet ahead of me, then hopped along path ahead of me for 25-30 yards, then off into laurels to right of path as I was coming back down stream; Gnatcatcher calling, Starlings, Yellow-Throated & Red-Eyed Vireos, Black & White W(3)*, Tennessee W., at same point along path as two days ago - singing loudly & somewhat