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3. [[underlined]] Northern Water Thrush [[/underlined]] - at Dark Pool.

Saw [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] Solitary Sandpiper today - a few White-Throated Sparrows.
Birds seen and/or heard: [[underlined]] Cuckoo; [[/underlined]] Swifts; [[underlined]] Hummingbirds; [[/underlined]] Flickers; Kingbird; Crested Flycatcher; 1 Phoebe; Acadian (?) Flyc.; 4-6 Peewees; Martins; Jays; Crows; Chicadees & titmice; 1 Nuthatch; House & Carolina Wrens; Mockingbirds & 6-8 Catbirds; Robins; 8-12 Wood Thrushes; 8-12 Olive-Backed Thrushes; Waxwings (heard); Starlings; 2 Yellow-Throated Vireos; 6-8 Red-Eyed Vireos; 2-3 Black & White Warblers, 1 Tennessee Warbler; 4-6 Parulas; 6-8 Black-throated Blues (5 males seen); 12-15 Blackpolls, 6-8 Ovenbirds; 1 Louisiana Water Thrush; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[underlined]] Northern [[/underlined]]