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[[underlined]] Water Thrush [[/underlined]] (at Dark Pool): 1 Kentucky Warbler; 3-4 Hooded Warblers; Canada Warblers (saw 3-4 males, heard 1-2 others - or same - singing); 8-12 Redstarts; Baltimore Oriole; Cowbird; Grackles; Tanagers (4-6; 1 ♀); Cardinals; 1 Grosbeak calling near Jack-in Pulpit clearing; Towhees; Song Sparrows.

May 19 1951 - Sat.
To woods 2:15 to 4:00 P.M. Rather quiet - comparatively few birds - listed in order:
Swifts; 1 female R.T. Hummingbird flew overhead, sitting briefly on a pine twig; Kingbirds (2); 1 Crested Flycatcher, 1 Phoebe; 3-4 Empidonax Flycatchers; 2 Peewees; Jays; Crows; House Wren; Carolina Wren; 3-4 Catbirds; Robins; Wood Thrushes (6-8); 2-3 Olive Backed Thrushes;