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pond, but couldn't locate it; 2 male Redstarts; Engl. Sparrows; Meadow-larks at home; Cowbirds; 2-3 Sc. Tanagers; Cardinals; 3-4 Rosebreasted Grosbeaks Calling - one singing; Towhees - one with unusual song: one Junco near Sapsucker Hickory, but across Tracks. Two [[underlined]] Rough-Winged Swallows [[/underlined]] chasing each other noisily above tracks near Dark Pool.

May 5, 1952 - Monday
On leave today. Light rain in night, and brisk shower when I awoke about 6:15, so went back to bed. Got to woods about 12:55 P.M., to get in a trip before getting Susan at St. Thomas more.
Will list birds in check list order: Killdeer in N. Tuckahoe cul-de-sac this afternoon, on gravel yet to be black-topped. [[underlined]] Spotted Sandpiper [[/underlined]] at G.W. Survey Marker, flew downstream, flashing white wingstripes; Doves; Swifts; 1 Ruby-Throated Hummingbird