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8-10 Wood Thrushes; one [[underlined]] Gray Cheeked Thrush [[/underlined]] in good light, along Honeysuckle Stream, on bank, & along sand & rocks of stream, later this or another one called its "peee-unt" with the nasal tone as I watched a [[underlined]] Veery [[/underlined]] along this stream; [[scribble]] the veery flew tamely along to where I saw the flycatchers (here also were Hooded Warblers, Myrtles, [[underlined]] Golden Winged Warblers; [[/underlined]] Blue Winged, Bl. & White, Parula, & Ovenbirds); Bluebirds at home; two Ruby Crowned Kinglets at point where I saw flycatchers, then nearer Survey Marker; Starlings (15-20 on lawn [[strikethrough]] where I park car [[/strikethrough]] at Williamsburg & Westmoreland), 1 White-Eyed Vireo near Survey Marker (where I was caught in a brief shower after earlier ominous & heavy thunder had passed by. Took shelter against a big white oak & remained dry); one Red-Eyed Vireo; one Solitary