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2-3 Tanagers singing; Cardinals (4-6); 2 Rose-Breasted Grosbecks calling and one singing softly; Towhees; Chipping Sparrows; Many White-Throats; Song Sparrows.

May 8, 1952-Thursday
[[underline]] Nashville Warbler Tennessee Warbler [[/underline]] "sweet-sweet-chipper,chipper, chipper, dizzle, dizzle" - above gravel road near Lookout Point.
Two Male Cape May Warblers; Female [[underline]] Baltimore Oriole [[/underline]] above new house which has 3 bird feeders; 3 Blackburnians; 3-4 Olive Backed Thrushes; [[underline]] 1 Warbling Vireo [[/underline]] singing for 10 min. at Jack in Pulpit clearing. 2 Solitary Vireos; 1 Purple Finch (♀); 1 Blue Winged Warbler; 1 Parula; 1 [[underline]] Magnolia Warbler [[/underlined]] (♀) 6-8 Black-Throated Blues,