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after we parked, the other about an hour later when we were at S. W. Survey Marker; Swifts (many); 2 Hummingbirds; 4-6 Flickers; one Downy; 2-3 Kingbirds; 2-4 Crested Flycatchers, 2 Phoebes; 3 Least Flycatchers; 2 Peewees; 10-20 Horned Larks around home; many Barn Swallows; Martins; Jays (10-15); 2 Crows; Titmice (2-3); Nuthatch (1); 4-6 House Wrens; Carolina Wrens (2); Mockingbird (2); Thrasher (1); Robins - many; 6-10 Wood Thrashers; 10-15 Olive-Backed Thrashers; 1 Veery; Bluebirds (2); Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (2); Starlings (many); 1 Solitary Vireo; Red-Eyed Vireo (6-8); At least 4-6 Tennessee Warblers (along path in woods and later one in big oaks across Rochester Street in back of house. Twice had good looks at the singing