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12-15 Towhees; Chipping Sparrows; 15-20 White Throats; 3-4 Song Sparrows.

May 14, 1952 - Wed.
Late - got to woods about 7:30 - out about 9:15. Another glorious day. met Mrs. Hoover at Dark Pool - wife of the man I've met a no. of times here - they plan to see as many birds as possible here this morning, go to Ocean City this afternoon & stay tomorrow - to run up a list.
T. Vulture; 2 Broad-winged Hawks Whistling, then flew thru trees near Beech Bend; Killdeer; Solitary Sandpiper at Dark Pool; 2 Doves, one at a bird bath in Glen Carlyn; Swifts; Hummingbird; several Flickers; 1 Red-Bellied & 1 Downy woodpecker; 2-3 Kingbirds; 2 Crested Flycatchers; 3-4 Phoebes;