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Sept. 5, 1952 - Friday
Heard the call of a Migrant Warbler overhead, flying due South.

Sept. 14, 1952 - Sunday
As Claire, Susan and I relaxed in the back yard in afternoon, a warbler flew overhead calling, and alighted on the chain-link fence between Jack Swan's yard & his next door neighbor. Purely by chance, I had the binoculars with me, and picked up the bird at once - a mostly yellow - bird, wagging its tail constantly - a [[underlined]] Yellow Palm Warbler. [[/underlined]] It then flew into a dead tree in Kennedys yard, twitching its tail, and soon flew on.
[[this paragraph marked in margin with bracket]] This A.M. I noted sunrise - the sun coming up slightly to the left of the front gable (brown) of the house across Trinidad from Kennedys? Last May during bird season it was slightly to right of point of water tower