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Sept. 27, 1952 - Sat.
Couldn't get to woods today - too much to do before Mary, Don, Peg & Bill arrived for my early Birthday dinner.
Probably 200 Cowbirds, about evenly divided between male & female, were out on the front lawns, [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] working around the cul-de-sac. Later two Starlings joined them. For past several weeks we have had large mixed flocks of Cowbirds & Starlings 100-200 or so probing all lawns, inch by inch.
Wave of Yellow (?) Palm Ws. going through today - no wing bars - buffy stripe over eye, yellow under tail coverts & upper tail coverts, under-body grayish - faint yellow tinge. Blue birds eating grain from feeder. Many goldfinches at bid feeder. Many Swifts. ** Number of [[underlined]] Lincolns Sparrows [[/underlined]] in back yards. Noted crown, gray rumps, etc.