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Identfied perhaps a dozen
Baybreasted Warblers, and
believe many more were
among migrants seen and/or
heard at a distance.  On
female [[underscore]]Sapsucker[[underscore]]. Brown
Creeper calling near the new
house near pony lot.  Female
[[underscore]]Rosebreasted Grosbeak[[underscore]] on fallen
log near falling limb of Warbler
oak, about 1 1/2 feet off gound,
[[underscore]]appearing[[underscore]] to be eating seeds of
Orange Jewel Weed - perhaps
eating insects.  Went on for five
minutes or more.  Will record
other birds in alphet order:  Red-Winged
Blackbird (two small groups - hour
apart); Cardinals, 4-6; Catbirds - 
4-6; Female Towhee; 2-4 Chickadees;
many Cowbirds at home; Crows;
one Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (having
fun calling in big oaks near home
all Summer); 1 Flicker, flying
high above Westmore Gardens.