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House Wren (1) beside track;
2 Caroline Wrens; Mockingbird (2-3);
Catbird (4-6); Robin (several);
Wood Thrush (one called where I saw
the one yesterday - on hill above
Grey Rock - then two tore by calling 
bird, one in mad pursuit of other);
2 Olive-Backed Thrushes; Bluebirds
at home all day - 4 together; many 
Starlings-especially around every
nest-hole in woods; 1 female Black 
& White Warbler; Magnolia Warblers (4-
near Dark Pool); Chestnut-sided W.(2-3);
Bay-Breasted WS (10-20); Blackpoll
WS. (2); Oven-birds (2 scolding
furiously up hillside back of
new comfont [guess] house - could see
no cause for it; later two more
down stream); Maryland Yellow
throat (1); Meadowlark (3 at home)
1 Grackle; Cowbirds (several
in woods, 10-20 at home - on
rooftop most of day); 1 female
Scarlet Tanager; 8-10 Cardinals