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Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (at least 1- pulled caterpillar off oak leaf + ate it- believe another cuckoo was right beside first when I first saw it- however second bird flashed out of sight); many Swifts everywhere; this was Woodpecker day- 1 Flicker at G.W. Marker; at least 4 downys here also; pair of Sapsuckers on dead stub near  G.W. Marker, and in nearby trees, male always following female closely; two Hairys nearby; two Red-Bellied Woodpeckers calling nearby, later seen near Dark Pool where I again saw several Downies and a Hairy-believe perhaps 20 of family seen on trip; Phoebe calling; [[strike]] nay [[/strike]] Jays (8-10); Crows (2-3); Chickadees (4-6); Titmice (3-4); Nuthatches (3); Mockingbird (1-2); many Robins (40-50) chiefly about dogwood trees, + along