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Sparrows (10-20 at home); White-Throated Sparrows (3 at West end of Dark Pool, showing much excitement at mt invitation of their song -one replied softly); several Song Sparrows.
  Forgot to note above that one Blackpoll Warbler sat beside a pokeberry bunch and  drive its bill in a deliberate, spaced manner, a half-dozen times [[strike]] to [[/strike]] into one or more berries. At 20 feet the juice could be clearly seen two-thirds or more to the base of the bill.
Oct. 7, 1952-Tuesday
   Took Susan to school, + got to woods about 9:25 A.M. Temp. this morning 57[[degree symbol]] at 7:00 A.M. (official), but 20-30 mph wind made it seen colder. Wore leather jacket over wool shirt, and felt quite