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Oak; Bluebirds - several at home; [[underline]] Gold-Crowned Kinglets [[/underline]] (6-8) - first one near Sapsucker Hickory, others at Dark Pool; Ruby-Crowns (10-20) along tracks and at Dark Pool; mostly quite low in weeds & underbrush, as were several Golden-Crowns; Starling (1) at Dark Pool; Tennessee Warblers (at least 3-4) perhaps more at Dark Pool (now dry); Nashville Warblers (2 certain) - several more probable in and around Dark Pool; Magnolia Warblers (3-4); Myrtle Warblers (1 at Dark Pool) - 2-3 others heard calling; Black-throated Green (2 - 1 at Dark Pool); Black-poll (20-30 - mostly around Dark Pool); W. Palm Warbler (2-3 at home); Connecticut Warbler (6-8 positive) believe number more around Pool and up hillside [[strike]] under [[/strike]] on electric wire right-of-way, now
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