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Everything coming out beautifully in woods - as on last week end, there were many kinds of violets, bluets, wild geraniums (buds just opening last week) and others. Found six young forsythia plants started from cuttings I put in last year.
Saw these birds:
Killdeer (heard one calling); one Mourning Dove; Chimney Swifts over the house; 4-6 Flickers; two [[underlined]] Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers [[/underlined]] (one up near house with many bird-boxes and feeders, other across tracks near [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] point where houses are fairly close); 2 Phoebes; Martins; Jays; 2 Crows; number of Chickadees and Titmice; 2 Nuthatches; 2-4 Brown Creepers; 2 House Wrens singing; one