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Titmouse (2); House Wren (2-3); Mockingbird (3-4); Catbird (4-6); Brown Thrasher (1); Robins (8-10); Wood Thrush (8-10); Olive-backed (20-30; 6-8 singing); Veery (two singing, one I watched for 3-5 minutes); Bluebirds (3-4); Gnatcatcher (1); Starlings (20-30); Yellow-throated Vireo (2 heard); Red-eyed (6-8 heard & seen); in woods across Roosevelt either a Nashville or a Tennessee sang a number of times - I believe it was Nashville - "sweedie-sweedie-sweedie" - "chipper-chipper-chipper" - quite loud; Parula W. (2); Magnolia W. (1 male near Arl. Forest houses nearest track); [[underlined]] Bay-breasted [[/underlined]] (1 male near Survey Marker); Black-poll (20-30 singing - finally saw first ones - four of them, near Bay-breasted); Ovenbid (3-4); Louisiana Water Thrush (1); Hooded W. (1); Kentucky W. (1); Redstart (2 [[female symbol]]); Grackles (2