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bathing at first picnic area); Cowbirds (2-3); Scarlet Tanager (3-4; saw one male and one female); Cardinals (2); Goldfinches (3-4); Towhees (4-6); Chipping Sparrow (2); White-throated Sparrows (many); Song Sparrows (2-3).
As yesterday, a very skimpy day for birds.

May 13, 1953 - Wed.
Another brilliantly clear day - temp. 88-90 degrees. Thunder shower in evening.
Got to woods about 10:00 A.M. - out about 12:15. These birds seen and/or heard; Turkey Vulture (1); Broad-winged Hawk (1) calling; Killdeer (1-2); Doves (3-4); Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1 calling); [[underlined]] Nighthawk [[/underlined]] (2 calling over Westmore Gardens) about 6:00 P.M.; Chimney Swifts (many); Hummingbird (2); Flicker (3-4); Kingbird (4-6); Crested Flycatcher (3-4 - in Park and [[scribble]] / in woods across Rochester St.;