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[[left margin note]] One Thrasher singing in very topmost twig of giant tulip tree at Jack-in-Pulpit clearing where I saw Florida gallinule. [[/left margin note]]

one Downy Woodpecker; Kingbirds (4-6); Crested Flycatcher (3-4; two came from woods across Rochester, into the back yards, on Eady's fence, in his weeping willow, then up on wires in front of his house, calling); Phoebe (2 adults; 4 downy young showing heads in nest atop column at Comfort Station); Acadian Flycatcher (3-4); Peewees (2-3); Barn Swallows (many); Jays (8-10); Crow (1); Chickadees (1-2); Titmice (1-2); House Wren (1-2); Carolina Wren (1); Mocking Bird (2-3); Catbird (3-4); Brown Thrasher (1-2); Robins (many); Wood Thrush (8-10); Olive-backed Thrush (75-100; many singing and calling);