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(2-4 near Dark Pool); Brown Thrasher (2-3); Robins; Wood Thrush (2 - one calling in Park; one at home, calling across Roosevelt Road); again saw what appeared to be an Olive-backed Thrush, but view was too fleeting; Veery (Wilson's Thrush) - 1 alongside gravel road just after I parked car and started into woods; Bluebirds (4-6 at home); [[underlined]] Ruby-crowned Kinglet [[/underlined]] (1); Starlings (6-10); Red-eyed Vireos (2-4); Tennessee Warbler (at least one, probably 2); [[underlined]] Nashville [[/underlined]] Warbler (1 in [[underlined]] good [[/underlined]] plumage in Great Ragweed, near Tennessees and Red-eyed Vireos); Parula Warbler (1 at Great Ragweed); Magnolia Warbler (1 above Dark Pool near Ragweed); [[underlined]] Cape May Warbler [[/underlined]] (1 at Dark Pool, in birches near Ragweed - in good plumage); Black-Throated Greens (2-3, at Dark Pool and at last trestle near Arl.