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Feb. 16, 1954 - Tuesday.
  Up to 78 degrees today, Lowest was 57 degrees this morning. Heard a [[underlined]] Purple Grackle [[/underlined]] call near Little Falls Road, between Ohio St. & Lexington Street, and another along Old Dominion Drive, almost to Lee Highway. Killdeers calling tonight. Listened for Spring Peepers, but heard none, perhaps due to 20 mi. per hour (or so) wind blowing. They should be singing, but the nearest spot is at Fairfax & Westmoreland Drives, a mile away - and can barely hear them at best.

[[strikethrough]] March [[/strikethrough]] Feb. 21, 1954 - Sunday
  Nice mild day. Heard first [[underlined]] Spring Peepers [[/underlined]] across Roosevelt Road; apparently there is a low damp spot at the edge of