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brought a Fox Sparrow. After a while, we turned them loose from the back porch, about 3:00 The Finches flew to Susan's Weeping Willow, and stayed there until after 5:00 P.M. The female went to the ground for bird feed several times as I took occasional looks out the window. The male moved about, occasionally picking at the band on his leg. Neither bird seemed to note the bird-cake (mixed seed in suet), altho they sat near it.
  The Fox Sparrow, when released flew with legs dangling directly over Halloran's house, and dropped out of sight beyond - either alighting in the thick broom-grass or flying on to the woods.
  Rain most of night.

March 16, 1954 - Tues.
  First Spring Song of the Robin - rich & clear. Number of Robins about. Saw several Grackles. Many Juncos singing in yard, & Song Sparrows.