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Jan 16. Busy all morning dictating
Slept most of afternoon needed much this [[strikethrough]] belated [[/strikethrough]] overdue rest. [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] Finally
[[strikethrough in left margin]] Jan. [[/strikethrough]] got a letter from [[red underline]] Dr. Henry Van Dyke, [[/red underline]] U.S. minister to the Netherlands.  Announcing me my check has been received and [[strikethrough]] cashed [[/strikethrough]] exchanged to 4500 mks which he says is being forwarded through German military channels to my sister in Ghent.  This explains why on Jan. 1. Vice consul Van Hee cabled me that no funds had been received.

Jan. 17. 1915. (Sunday)
[[vertical red line in left margin highlights remainder of the page]]
A few days ago all the papers announced the news of the fearful earthquakes in Italy whereby in a few hours as many people were killed as there are belgian soldiers killed in the war!  This is a period of sorrow and misery and
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[[vertical red line in left margin highlights the remainder of the entry for Jan. 17]]
suffering all over Europe.  What the hatred, greed, and arrogance of nations begins in war, nature finishes in peace! and the human race looks like a head of stupid cattle!
[[/vertical red line in left margin]]

Jan 18. Away early to Professor [[red underline]] Chandler's [[/red underline]] house to meet there [[red underline]] Dr. Weston [[/red underline]] who arrived loaded with bags, bundles valises, and port-folios containing documents concerning his inventions and past career.  He started like usually from A to Z, not omitting any detail, only interrupted now and then by a story from Chandler.  Lunched at Chandler but after lunch same recital was continued until Mrs. Chandler about 5 P.M came in the library and stopped it by saying Chandler needed a rest.  So did I, but dear Weston, still kept at it until we finally had to discontinue.  I submitted a plan for our different addresses