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[[red underline]] for his exam in mathematics [[/red underline]] 

Jan 25. Fogy sleety heavy weather.  Went to office to discuss new contract for [[red underline]] Plastics Limited. [[/red underline]] 
[[underlined annotation in left margin saying "Canada" has an arrow pointing to "Plastics Limited."]]
Weston calls me up at 'phone to tell me about misleading article of [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] in Scientific American (Jan 23.) Frankel tells me gross profits are about $150.000 from which to deduct Laboratory and office expenses which leaves [[red underline]] $116000 net. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Went for [[/strikethrough]]
Evening went to see moving pictures of an exploration trip through South America.

Jan 26. Dictated hurriedly some letters then went to Perth Amboy.  [[red underline]] Alford [[/red underline]] not there.  [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] still busy with bubbles in tabletted buttons.  Colorless transparent C is no obtained entirely limpid

Jan 27. Went to office of Williams & Peters.  Met them both asked if they are willing to declare small dividend of 7% as I
[[end page]] 

[[start page]]
[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
propose.  They very cheerfully consented, in fact seem much pleased to let other amount go in reserve.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with double underlined annotation]] 3 hs [[/symbol and annotation]]
Then went to Brooklyn. (Charge 3 hours)
[[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] tells me his [[red underline]] formate machine [[/red underline]] is now self-heating on account of rapid absorption of CO. I am inclined to think this is simply due to mechanical friction.  Then went to [[red underline]] Hasslacher, [[/red underline]] he seems very pleased that I consent [[red underline]] to 7% dividend and to place other profits in the reserve. [[/red underline]]    
Then went to University Club.  At New York Central Station met Doremus.

Jan 28. Home all morning.  At 5 P.M to University Club to fetch tickets for "Aida." With [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] for supper at Biltmore then to opera.

Jan 29. Early to New York.  Went to Seligsberg gave orders until cancelled:
    100. [[red underline]] Smelters Pref.
                        [[/red underline]] at 100
    100  [[red underline]] Con Pref.
                        [[/red underline]] at  96
     10  Bonds [[Am?]] Line adj. at
[[overwritten]] 68 [[/overwritten]] at 66 1/2.