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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Peter here afternoon, conferred about [[ink underline]] 1 hour [[/ink underline]] about work at Brooklyn.  Remained for supper.  [[underlined in red]] Lantern slides of Japan. [[/underlined in red]]

February 8:  [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] left first day for New York University.  Called up [[underlined in red]] Williamson [[/underlined in red]] to find out why he does not answer my letters.  He says it is [[underlined in red]] Cutler-Hammer company [[/underlined in red]] which is at loggerheads.

February 9.  Went to [[underlined in red]] F.L. Seligsberg [[/underlined in red]] & Co to remit my check for [[underlined in red]] 100 Baldwin Locomotive Pref. and Seaboard Oil Line [[/underlined in red]] bonds. 
[[symbol in left margin showing circle topped by a cross with ink underlined annotation]] 3 hours. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Took lunch at Mouquin downtown then spent afternoon at Brooklyn.  Paulus is treating new aqueous solution of NaOH with CO under pressure. 

Feb 10.  dictated letters and spent remainder of day at [[underlined in red]] Scribner's [[/underlined in red]] article.  Evening felt so bored that I went to Warburton Theatre to see a stupid play.

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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 2 hours. [[/symbol and annotation]]

Feb. 11.  Went to buy some office file for laboratory   Then to Drug & Chemist Club to meet [[underlined in red]] Kirk Brown [[/underlined in red]].  He tells me they have enough phenol to supply their customers but are not very anxious to increase their output  
Says [[underlined in red]] Edison [[/underlined in red]] is making [[underlined in red]] 1000 lbs synthetic phenol [[/underlined in red]] a day.  Told him about Naphthalene interference.  We are willing to give them license if we win case, are they willing to do same.  If so no use of taking much time or spending much money in filing testimony.  He tells me cannot give answer [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] just now, but later on.  I got letter of credit at bank.  [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Afternoon went to Brooklyn Laboratory.  [[underlined in red]] Paulus [[/underlined in red]] reports that he has yield of [[underlined in red]] 50% formate [[/underlined in red]] using a 15% of NaOH solution and ^[[water]]- gas under pressure.  Charge 2 hours to R.B.P.Co.  Evening went to a play at "Little Theatre."  58 st. "Pair of Silk stockings". 

[[black underline]] Feb 12 [[/black underline]] (Lincoln's Birthday).  A certain Mr. Harrison came to see me to obtain, a job with us as chemist.  Says he has been with [[underlined in red]] Dr. Beatty [[/underlined in red]]. (Synthetic). But they have shut down, and owed him