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tine has tapped after my friend Herty's method.  Increasing amount of evergreen shrubs  Some live-oak trees.  Miserable frame shanties of the negroes.- Stubs of cotton fields.  Cottage with washed off white wash.  Some Yuccas and then some palmettoes.  Then a flat half cultivated plain before reaching Savannah (Ga).  I notice some simple turpentine stills in the open under a shed.  Florida same flat monotonous aspect.  Approaches of Jacksonville gray, monotonous and uninteresting

Feb'y 22.  (Washington Birthday)  Up early; we are in the [[strikethrough]] Is [[/strikethrough]] "Keys" - Cayas.  At least there is green here and a few flowers.  Stunted mangrove growth and now and then some Coconut palms

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[[ink underlined]] Long key [[/ink underlined]].  seems a fishing club grounds left as if sandpapered, but all rather [[underlined in red]] monotonous and flat [[/underlined in red]]  Long road from one key to another.  Coral formation.  Sea light blue.  [[underlined in red]] Pelicans [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] white herons [[/underlined in red]].  Around about two hours late at [[underlined in red]] Key West [[/underlined in red]].  An illkept unesthetic place; many shanties and galvanized iron shutters  
Little steamer [[underlined in red]] Olivette [[/underlined in red]].  Clumsy cuban stewards.  A german tramp steamer anchored within 3 mile limit was interned since August.  Has been purchased by an american and renamed.  Ready to go out.  Probably another opportunity for bringing our country into conflict with England.  Have had no breakfast so ordered sandwiches and half-bottle Vino Rioja.  Note that seagulls follow ship and [[underlined in red]] keep soaring without practically any motion of wings [[/underlined in red]].  Probably manage to utilize wind very dexterously, an art our [[underlined in red]] aviators [[/underlined in red]] have not yet mastered.