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in Flanders.  I notice again here [[red underline]] that women spit on the floor [[/red underline]] occasionally.  I noticed same thing recently during a theatre performance when [[red underline]] the actress in the middle of her speech spit on the floor and rubbed the dirt [[/red underline]] out with the sole of her shoe!
Everything here seems sleepy and unconcerned. No newspapers
Was glad to leave this boresome place at 1 P.M. Train passed endless sugar lands then [[strikethrough]] woods [[/strikethrough]] a jungle of woods and uncultivated land, number of cattle.  Hard wood is profuse here.  In some parts railroad ties are of [[red underline]] mahogany and lignum vitae. [[/red underline]] Brod told me yesterday they cost the RR. about 40 cents a piece laid down!  Cost of transportation to U.S. too high.  Notice many big white ant-nests on
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trees.  I am astonished to see that this country is so little settled that there are so many uncleared woods, absolutely virgin. No roads to speak off, merely trails.  Cubans on horseback everywhere, light horses and light saddle, [[red underline]] always a machete. [[/red underline]]  All have top-boots or leather leggings. all wear big hat either straw or big gray Stetson hats. [[red underline]] Sugar [[/red underline]] is undoubtedly [[red underline]] king here. [[/red underline]] More and more sugar cane fields.  Beautiful sunset which color the tropical forest in [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] extraordinary pink violet color.  Towards evening train stops at Bayamo station where there is a rush for the restaurant.  [[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] It becomes dark but in the distance appear sharp outlines of Mountain range (Sierra Maestra?) colored pink and violet by sunset.  Arrived at Santiago about 11.P.M. Many