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private club entertainment

March 8. Packed my valises then went walking most of day. Evening went to a popular theater where I saw a play "You speak inglis"? dealing with the happenings of a cuban negro and a Gallego in New York City.  The "american" in the play was always drunk.

March 9. After a refreshing night's sleep got up at 5:30 A.M drove away at about 6:30 A.M. Train to Havannah first traverses hilly country with some good roads dotted everywhere with royal palms, also coffee plantations, bananas, then some tobacco 
Frame houses with thatched roofs of palm leaves, streets nonexistent or simply grass.  everything very primitive.  Afternoon on the train met a certain [[red underline]] "Mr. Spencer ͯ [[/red underline]]
[[an "ͯ" next to "Mr. Spencer" refers to vertical annotation in left margin]] ͯthe chemist [[/annotation in left margin]] while train stopped at Camaguey who seemed to
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know me well and is connected with Cuban-American Sugar Co k
Knows Wiley, Horne and most of my friends in Washington and seems to know all about my work

March 10. Arrived in [[red underline]] Havana [[/red underline]] early morning just a daybreak.  Last night was so cool I needed blanket in train.  Went to [[red underline]] Hotel Telegrafo [[/red underline]] where they had reserved a quiet and clean room with tub bath for me, with a small barred window near ceiling - looks like a prison cell, but very comfortable
after a shave and a bath went out for a walk then joined one of the sightseeing automobiles (rubber-neck-wagon as they are called in New York) and listened to lecturing guide who addressed "his class," and went to all interesting places in town.  He tells that altho' Wood and the earlier american left a good record here