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What gives peculiar quaintness to it all is that there is never a crowd.  In the evening a brass band played a concert near the Punta

March 12. Spent the day walking around, afternoon went out with Capt. de Graux for a stroll towards Malecon
Evening went to theater "Politheama" and paid $1½ for a seat.  They played "Eva" but the music and the singing and the whole performance was so execrably bad that I left after the first act and preferred to go to bed.

March 13. Packed my trunks, spent remainder of time strolling around town.  My steamer "Saratoga" of the Ward Line left at 3 P.M.  On coming aboard I was
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pleasantly surprised to find a neat, well built, well kept comfortable ship with excellent service.  Fortunately I have a cabin to myself.  The passengers are mostly all americans, with a few cubans and a chinaman.  Smooth pleasant sailing.

March 14 (Sunday)  The blue skies are gone and the ship starts rocking a little but it is still mild weather.  During the night violent wind and rain storm

March 15. Goodbye straw hat and light clothes! Weather [[strikethrough]] decis [[/strikethrough]] decidedly cooler then sea becomes as smooth as a pond.  This evening the dinner menu included cocktails, claret and cordials which resulted in more animation among passengers

[[ink underline]] March 16. [[/ink underline]] On awakening there is the coast of New Jersey.  Steward tells me we have run faster