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than usually and will be in by noon time.  Beautiful smooth sunny weather, cool but not too cold.  In the harbor saw some German merchant ships interned on account of war.  A tramp steamer with big banners indicating that it was a "Belgian Relief" ship. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] was at the dock with our car.  Rapid custom formalities.  Sent the car away with [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] my baggage, went to office then [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and I went walking along Fifth Ave, took tea at Plaza and just behaved as if we were [[strikethrough]] visitors [[/strikethrough]] ^[[strangers]] to New York.
Evening went for supper together to Lafayette Restaurant (The Old "Martin" at 9th street)  Then to see a [[strikethrough]] br [[/strikethrough]] spy play called White Feather.  A very pleasant homecoming.

March 17. Got thru most of my belated mail.  Nothing very new.
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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with illegible strikethrough underneath it]]
Reviewed work in laboratory. nothing striking there neither. [[red underline]] Orders are rather slim [[/red underline]] but not entirely bad.

March 18.  Went to [[red underline]] Chemists Club [[/red underline]] for lunch with [[red underline]] Dr. Grosvenor [[/red underline]].  he tells me conditions of Club are not so bad as thought.  Library service will be considerably reduced.  
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 4 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Afternoon spent 4 hours (charge to R.B.P.Co) at [[red underline]] Brooklyn laboratory. [[/red underline]]
Paulus has rigged up new [[drum?]] for formate and has succeeded now with dry NaOH to obtain as high as [[red underline]] 50% [[/red underline]] conversion.  Have succeeded in transforming pure formate of Na, which they had purchased in oxalate to the extent of [[red underline]] 70%. [[/red underline]] This seems to indicate that our estimated cost of 3½ c. a lb for oxalic acid is too high and can be considerably reduced.
Evening had conference at supper with A. H. [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] and Thom. [[red underline]] Lister [[/red underline]] at Biltmore at request of [[red underline]] Bush [[/red underline]] in regard to [[red underline]] urgency manufacture of [[/red underline]]