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Rossi were assembled to discuss question of [[red underline]] scarcity of phenol and Cresol.  [[/red underlined]]  We found that we have still enough phenol [[strikethrough]] on hand [[/strikethrough]] and Cresol on hand for 1915 [[red underline]] if orders are not larger than 1914.  I proposed to increase prices for some of the new orders but after hearing arguments of May and Swan decided not to press the matter.
Evening went as guest of Dr. [[red underline]] Giess [[/red underline]]  to complementary dinner offered to Dr. S. J. [[red underline]] Meltzer [[/red underline} of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research.  This was at Reisenweber's.  Met there Jacques [[red underline]] Loeb, Naguchi, [[/red underline]] Levan etc.  Were more than 200 guests.  Sat at table with [[red underline]] Bogert [[/red underline]], Jerome [[red underline]] Alexander [[/red underline]], Dr. [[red underline]][[Peace?]] [[/red underline]] (of Lederle Laboratories) a certain Harris employed by Erchmann's concern.  [[red underline]] Meltzer [[/red underline]] made the best
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speech contrasting [[red underline]] intranational morals [[/red underline]] and ethics with so called international ethics, which call murder, war, and assassination horror etc. and how international ethics had [[accaferated?]] all progress of Science for destruction and murder; that there was but one exception in all this distressing [[deviation?]] of moral and that this was the physician who on the battle field, performed deeds of heroism to preserve life, regardless whether it was the life of his own countrymen or that of his wounded enemies.  After dinner I went to University Club and Albert motored me home at about 2 P.M.  An unusually  cold  night. -- very cold wind blowing.
March 27.
A very busy day packing, dictating letters, telephoning etc.  Then [[red underline]] Foesterling [[/red underline]] calls me up to tell that [[red underline]] Alford wants to