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special electric car to station from where our special train starts.  Train follows a very well cultivated section with now and then some unclaimed swampy woods.  Dense growth of trees and shrubs, with cedars covered with Spanish moss, magnolia trees and palmettos all blending into a characteristic dense growth.  These lands are easily reclaimed by digging drainage ditches around, then felling and burning the trees.  Flat well cultivated lands (sugar) as far as eye reaches. Reminds me of Flanders. [[red underline]] Sugar cane [[/red underline]] culture undoubtedly much more developed than I ever imagined.  Many [[red underline]] sugar mills [[/red underline]].  Whole country seems well kept, and [[strikethrough]] pros [[/strikethrough]] prosperous.  I now realize why people here
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protest [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] so much against abolition of [[red underline]] sugar duties.  It seems as if this will mean absolute ruin for this [[/red underline]] section.  Truck farming or other farming is not so profitable and only finds limited market.  I am convinced more and more that our [[red underline]] tariff changes should not be made a political issue but should be the work of a competent commission, who could study the subject and then make its recommendations. [[/red underline]]  While now our legislators debate and vote on questions which they do not understand.  The worst thing in our tariff are these [[spasmostical?]] changes which bring about anxiety and demoralization.  Just now the sugar cane producers have prosperous times on account of the war.  How long will it last?  It is true that Sugar cane can be raised cheaper in Cuba