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to Delco plant where I met Wagner, head of bakelite department, then I met [[underline in red]] Mr. Nabb [[/underline in red]], then patent attorney and spent some further time with [[underline in red]] Kettering [[/underline in red]] took evening train for Chicago.  Fine railroad station, the [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] best and most impressive station of  [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] of its size.  Another influence of the work of [[underline in red]] Mr. Patterson [[/underline in red]].
April 8. On arrival in Chicago went to [[underline in red]] Black Rock Hotel [[/underline in red]] where found [[underline in red]] Swan [[/underline in red]] then went with him to bakelite plant of Belden Mfg. Co.  Concern [[?under?]] electric wire, braided wire and small cables, and has recently started several [[underline in red]] bakelite presses [[/underline in red]] which are kept going actively.  [[strikethrough]] I am [[/strikethrough]] Doing fine molding, specially motor cars
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radiator caps and insulating devices. Good work. Molding very rapid like in Dayton.  Mr. [[underline in red]] Belden [[/underline in red]] is a youngish cheerful looking chap, a Yale graduate, met also Mr. Parsons his salesman and very cheerful and pleasant
[[Difficult to read vertical writing crossed out on left margin here]]

They took us to Chicago University Club for lunch.  Then we visited the new plant of [[underline in red]] Kellog Switch [[/underline in red]] board co. a big multistory building, very busy in which basement they were installing a set of new [[underline in red]] bakelite presses [[/underline in red]] for molding [[underline in red]] telephone receivers [[/underline in red]]  Went to their old plant where several old presses are working continuously.  [[underline in red]] Automatic presses [[/underline in red]], releasing the molds without the workmen touching them.  Steam presses were all very [[lively?]]; steam [[leaking?]] right and left, and sizzling from the joints but they intend