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to remove them to the new building and on this account have grown careless.  At 5 P.M left for [[red underline]] Niagara Falls. [[/red underline]]

April 9. Went early to [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] plant.  Everything [[red underline]] looks clean and orderly very different [[/red underline]] from former times.  New cell room looks as well as 6 months ago when it was new.  I see few repairs in repair room only one or two men.  Talked over the [[red underline]] chlorate [[/red underline]] project with Lyster and A.H. Hooker.   Then with Snowden over the record of the corrugated cells.  In laboratory saw in operation their small model for liquid bleach and chlorate.  Consultation with [[red underline]] Dr. Blanc [[/red underline]] who makes chlorpentane from which amylacetate.  His chlorination outfit seems all right and well conceived but is all glass.  He is stopped however by not having
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[[number symbol and annotation in top left margin]] # 8hs. [[/number symbol and annotation in top left margin]]
yet solved the [[red underline]] matter of an industrial autoclave. [[/red underline]] Suggested duriron.  Left at 5 P.M. for N.Y. Charge 8 hours.

April 10. Porter forgot to call me up so passed Yonkers and had to go back from Motthaven.  Springlike weather.  Find that lawn has caught fire in garden and that some of my small pines have been [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] damaged.  Dictated all morning belated letters.  Find a nice [[red underline]] personal letter of George Eastman who presents me with one of his new model Kodaks [[/red underline]] of which sides are pressed of [[red underline]] Bakelite. [[/red underline]] Last months [[red underline]] sales of Bakelite are rather low [[/red underline]] - we had no deliveries to Westinghouse.  But [[red underline]] now they have ordered 80 Barrels.  George [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] had a nap together.  [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] got provoked until they both came to blows. in the nursery  I went to photoplay with George.