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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
Evening went to movies but was unfortunate subject a horrible train wreck with all the details of its realism.

[[ink underline]] April 22. [[/ink underline]]
Up early presented report of [[red underline]] Patent Committee [[/red underline]] to board of [[red underline]] American Electro-Chemical Society. [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
then met A. H. Hooker and spent one hour about diverse matters at Niagara Falls.  Charge one hour.
Walked along boardwalk as far as Ventnor but still no end.  Professor [[red underline]] Northrup [[/red underline]] of Princeton University told me [[red underline]] confidentially about his profound disappointment in Princeton. [[/red underline]] They pay him [[red underline]] $1500 in a $700.000. laboratory. [[/red underline]] He wants to leave and go in business again.
Evening excellent lecture by Prof. [[red underline]] Franklin [[/red underline]] of Kansas illustrating experimentally
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some principles of electricity.  His experiments, very cleverly and simply conceived, visualize cetain principles which are usually entirely lost in the fog of mathematical demonstrations.

[[ink underline]] April 23. [[/ink underline]]
Mr. Henderson president of Canadian salt Co. came to meet me to ask Bush to stop cutting prices in Canada [[red underline]] for NaOH. [[/red underline]] Told him I hardly thought B. purposely cut prices but was forced in it.  
Henderson tells me two of his sons are fighting in Flanders.  Rainy and chilly. [[red underline]] Lash Miller [[/red underline]] arrived 
Evening went to see photo-play, "Rose of the Rancho." 

April 24. Sunny dry again.  Walked all morning.  This is a restful [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] place but very uninteresting.  Evening spent again seeing "movies."

[[ink underline]] April 25. [[ink underline]] 1915 (Sunday) Sunny and quite warm.  Returned home by morning train.  Celine at Penn.