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station with car.  Took restful nap afternoon.

April 26.  [[red underline]] Bleulow [[/red underline]] here for picking out samples for Aylrvoth [[red underline]] interference [[/red underline]] (Nopthalene).  I feel much depressed and heavy.  Dictated most of day.

April 27.  Another very warm day - way up in nineties!  Met Bleulow, [[Bowencard?]] and [[red underline]] Seaburg? [[/red underline]] at Manhattan Hotel for discussing testimony for [[red underline]] Nophtelene [[/red underline]] interference.  We realize there is a discontinuity in our record, we must find further data.  Went to Netherland's Hotel to meet [[red underline]] Leonard Jacobi [[/red underline]].  He looks cheerful and glad to be here.  Exceedingly ante-german.  Motored him to [[LungRoeth/]] along the parks.  Violent windstorm during supper.  then cooler. when motoring him home.

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April 28.

[[Symbol like a cross in upper left margin]]

Feel as if I had aftereffects of [[red underline]] influenza [[/red underline]].  Coughing etc.  It is cold and chilly today.  There was a drop of about 44° F in the temperature since yesterday.  Went to [[red underline]] Hooter [[/red underline]] office to confer about [[red underline]] chlorate of sodium [[/red underline]] plant with [[Bownreud?]], Q. H. Hooter and Lyster charge 6 hours.

[[Symbol like a cross in left margin with 6h. below it]]

Stopped conference at 6 P.M. then all in a hurry to Marquis's restaurant then to photo-play:  [[red underline]] The Birth of a Nation. [[/red underline]]-Battles fighting and shudder!

April 29.  [[hashtag symbol in left margin below "April"]]  Home dictating report for chlorate to be submitted to Dirctor of Hooker Co.  [[strikethrough]] Paulus [[/strikethrough]] (Charge ? hours).  Paulus announces that for first time [[red underline]] got 90% [[/red underline]] [[fourinte?]] with [[red underline]] dry powdered Naoth Litherland [[/red underline]]reports got [[red underline]] 98%  [[/red underline]] conversion of [[odulie?]] acid into [[glyosylate?]] by slightly diluting and adding some more HCl so as to keep [[hosalate?]]