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told him about [[red underline]] 16 to 17000 [[/red underline]] dollars in will be needed in Brooklyn for equipping salic plant.  He seems much in favor, then rushed to [[red underline]] Hooker's [[/red underline]] office to meet [[red underline]] Bush [[/red underline]] by appointment and went with him over chlorine situation and [[red underline]] monochlorbenzol [[/red underline]], instructed him against making sub-company with Hebden and his friends because we do not know them enough and it will be a new complication in our organization and future meeting of different boards of directors and committees and all the possible bickerings [[strikethrough]] connet [[/strikethrough]] and red tape connected with it.

[[left margin note # 2 hs.]]

Told him that whatever arrangement we make for [[red underline]] monochlorbyzol [[/red underline]] is dependent on outside competition.  That what we ought to do is to get [[red underline]] one good [[/red underline]] order at a [[red underline]] specified price [[/red underline]] suffi-

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ciently high to make it worth while to creat the equipment and then afterwards take chances with other competitors which are bound to arise.  Home with 5.30 P.M.

May 20 -- Miss Evans arrived here ill and hardly fit to work.  [[red underline]] Dictated [[/red underline]] hurriedly [[red underline]] report to Porter [[/red underline]] and answer to german letter of [[Indelete?]] Gesellschaft relative use of [[Bakelite?]] for tin cans.  [[strikethrough]] L Jacobi [[/strikethrough]] Leonard [[red underline]] Jacobi and Hugo Seligman [[/red underline]] here for lunch then all with Celine and Nina went motoring to [[Furngton?]]  Then at Longise Vise Nefera Park and back.  Evening Celine and Nina and myself went to movies.  [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] had a cold.

May 21.  I too have a cold.  Sneezing, headache, oppression, broken feeling unfit for work but [[strikethrough]] dictate [[/strikethrough]] managed to dictate to talking machine my [[strikethrough]] answer to [[/strikethrough]] comments for Bakelite.  [[red underline]] Follat [[/red underline]] annulment suit of heart and pressure patent