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May 30 1915. (Sunday) [[red underline]] Sarton [[/red underline]] here. In morning drove him to Cortlandt and Park Hill etc. Afternoon we all together drove to Peekskill. There one of cylinders snapped off so returned with a passing Limousine.
Later on Albert came in with 3 cylinders. Kept up till late [[red underline]] discussing Belgium, America and democracy. Sarton is a very keen and intelligent mind, clear and correct thinking but has nothing but book learning and mathematics. He says cannot even shave himself as nobody has ever taught him to use his hands. [[/red underline]]

May 31. (Decoration Day). Beautiful day.  Morning spent leisurely talking and walking.  Afternoon took [[red underline]] Sarton in little car to Zoo [[/red underline]] and Botanical gardens to show him the happy, quiet, [[red underline]] well-behaved holiday crowd [[/red underline]] in our parks.
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June 1. 1915. Another beautiful day
Dictated letters while [[red underline]] Sarton went to meet President Butler of Columbia.  George [[/red underline]] here all day, he is in exam period. [[red underline]] He believes will not pass his physics because at first his averages [[/red underline]]were low altho' of late they were very high.

June 2. Early to New York testified further in [[red underline]] Aylsworth - Naphthalene [[/red underline]] interference case.  Evening took supper with Townsend at Hofbräu Haus.  Then home. Celine went to Mrs. Villard [[red underline]] to obtain letters of introduction for Sarton. [[/red underline]]

June 3. Early to New York.  My further cross examination by Frank L. Dyer. till 4 P.M. [[red underline]] Presmysl has fallen again in hands of German-Austrians.- [[/red underline]] May tells me [[red underline]] Continental ^[[Fibre Co.]] [[/red underline]] wants quotation on about [[red underline]] 180 tons varnish for next 12 months; [[/red underline]] and about [[red underline]] 15 tons molding mixture for that concern that makes siphon [[/red underline]]    

Transcription Notes:
"Presmysl" may refer to Przemysl, Poland.