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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
[[red underline]] values. [[/red underline]] Unfortunately we are short of raw material.
Went to [[red underline]] Brooklyn [[/red underline]] at 4:30 P.M
Discussed many matters together from what I hear there is a good possibility in preparing oxalic acid of [[red underline]] reclaiming our NaOH. [[/red underline]] Charge 3 hours.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 3hs [[/symbol and annotation]]
Went with [[red underline]] Peters [[/red underline]] to Mouquin for supper. Home with 9:50.  [[red underline]] Met George [[/red underline]] who tells me there is much doubt whether he has passed his physics. I saw [[red underline]] his questions undoubtedly too numerous for a 3 hours examination, [[/red underline]] besides being quite difficult and requiring almost every one quite a number of calculations. His [[red underline]] professor of physics is probably one of those pedantic, dry-as-dust Jackasses, who see in physics nothing but an occasion for applying mathematics and in the mean [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] time forget the [[strikethrough]] phys [[/strikethrough]] subject itself. [[/red underline]]

June 4. Away early to New York for further testimony in interference case.  Called up Eastabrook I regard to his tannic acid process  told him to see Dr. H. Peter. Further cross examination  Then [[red underline]] Seabury testified. [[/red underline]] Made good witness. He took lunch with me at Drug Club then I went to [[strikethrough]] taylor [[/strikethrough]] tailor then home with 4:12 P.M. train. [[red underline]] Dr. Sarton back. Nina [[/red underline]] at evening went to her class dance. She [[red underline]] has had excellent result in all her exams. [[/red underline]] 

June 5. Here all day. Cold gray weather continues. Miss Evans looking up my laboratory notes for further references to other solid solvents. I spent most day talking with [[red underline]] Sarton [[/red underline]]  

June 6 1915 (Sunday) Somewhat milder weather. Most of day spent talking about [[red underline]] Belgium [[/red underline]] etc with [[red underline]] Sarton. [[/red underline]] He tells me he has put all his secruities and [[red underline]] articles of great [[/red underline]]