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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
[[red underline]] value in an iron box which he buried in his garden, [[/red underline]] before he fled.  Tells me almost everybody in the country in Belgium did the same thing.  Afternoon [[red underline]] Rudolf Eichemeyer [[/red underline]] called and remained for supper.  Had also a short visit from [[red underline]] Baeck, [[/red underline]] and his wife, and brother.

June 7. [[red underline]] Sarton [[/red underline]] left early for Boston  [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] left yesterday for Lake George with Mrs. Brown.  Heavy sultry cloudy weather but not very warm. Gothelf here. Dictated letters part of morning. Charge one hour to Hooker. 
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]

June 8. Left early for further testimony in interference case.  Gothelf made good witness this afternoon.  Got thru at 5 P.M. Then went with Townsend to meet Bush at McAlpin Hotel where discussed Hooker matters. Charge 2 hours. 
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 2 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Then [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] they took supper with
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me at Mouquin's. Then at 8:30 P.M met Grosvenor, Whitaker, Nelis and others to discuss matter [[red underline]] of ^[[Chemical]] Catalog [[/red underline]] for chemical industries and promised our ^[[moral]] support if this enterprise is carried out according to Code of Ethics of Institute of Chemical Engineers.
[[red underline]] Bryan [[/red underline]] has resigned today because he differs with [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] as to wording of new note to be sent to Germany in relation to [[red underline]] Lusitania. [[/red underline]] Everybody seems to blame [[red underline]] Bryan. [[/red underline]] Coming home I find that car is disabled because [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] had a collision with Hiram Traylors car.- [[strikethrough]] I have to [[/strikethrough]] at corner of Roberts Ave and Broadway.
[[strikethrough]] George a [[/strikethrough]] No personal injuries but my car is badly damaged.  I have told George and everybody always to sound horn when entering Broadway but they seem to think this unnecessary.

June 9. Beautiful bright weather. Early to New York. Thurlow's