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[[red underline]] he failed in everything but english and higher algebra. [[/red underline]] 
I feel much worried about this
[[red underline]] Deficient in foreign languages, in public speaking, physical training [[/red underline]] which he did not even follow and also [[red underline]] descriptive geometry [[/red underline]] in which according to my advice he did not present himself.- failed also in [[red underline]] physics. [[/red underline]] Is this the penalty of having enough wealth to feel comfortable? Still except his [[red underline]] indolence towards his studies I have no complaint towards George, who has an excellent character and is a serious minded boy of excellent tendencies except this indolence. 
[[strikethrough]] [[several illegible sentences]]
[[end page]]

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[[strikethrough]] [[several illegible sentences]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] Celine and I went out in little car to Zoo and Bronx park. [[/vertical annotation]]
[[red underline]] George's exams [[strikethrough]] and this [[illegible]] [[/red underline]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[worried]] me all thru the night.

June 13 1915 (Sunday). [[red underline]] George tells me the dean of his faculty, Professor Snow [[strikethrough]] has pr will [[/strikethrough]] told him that he will give him a transfer to Cornell University. [[red underline]] George suggests that [[red underline]] he will follow summer course at Cornell. [[/red underline]] After talking matters over I advise him to [[strikethrough]] str [[/strikethrough]] follow lectures of [[red underline]] Forestry, Zoology and Geology [[/red underline]] to which he wants to add [[red underline]] Spanish, [[/red underline]] which seems to interest him.  He seems to have strong desire to make good by going to this summer course.