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Club. [[red underline]] Plaut died [[/red underline]] yesterday and there is a meeting to discuss what to do in honor of his memory.  Met [[red underline]] Weston [[/red underline]] there.  Home with 11:45 P.M.

June 19. Dictatd most of morning inclusive report to Porter and instructions to Peter.  Charge 1 hour.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 1 h [[/symbol and annotation]]
Rather warm weather. Albert is still repairing big car. [[strikethrough]] I told to Lawrence that I do not want to be too hard on him but will give him a chance to rehabilitate himself.  He says I will not regret it. I [[remainder of sentence is illegible]]. [[/strikethrough]]

June 20 1915 (Sunday). Beautiful weather. Remained home till 4 P.M. then went out with little car. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] felt tired after plucking strawberries in lower vegetable garden in the sun so she remained at home.  I went thru [[strikethrough]] Zoological [[/strikethrough]]
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[[symbol "#" in top left margin above a second symbol showing a circle topped by a cross]]
drive way [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] over perfect newly constructed road to Rye Beach, thru New Rochelle, then back along Boston Road
Magnificent landscape - cool agreeable weather. Admirable sunset on the Sound. took supper at Pell Tree Inn while sun set.

June 21. Dictated all morning 
Then about four took little ferryboat over river to Alpine.  Beautiful clear weather. Everything so quiet and bright. There was that old dutch boat [[red underline]] "Halve Maan" [[/red underline]] lying calmly in its dock..
Tramped along trail of Palisade Park along lower edge of Palisades to [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] newly opened Dyckman street Ferry. Beautiful woods, and everything so quiet and peaceful.  This gives a true