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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
tion and try the engine. we remained over noon. Pouring rain almost all the time.  Bush wants to meet me at 5:30 P.M tonight so we left boat at about 4:30 in pouring rain. Was all wet. While [[red underline]] Bush [[/red underline]] was here suddenly violent storm developed, sweeping huge [[waves?]] on river. Shortly afterwards telephone call, boat had dragged anchor and was now pounding against railroad embankment rocks.  Went there immediately there lay that pretty boat pounding and rocking with holes in her hull entirely helpless.  Nothing could be done but wait till I can get a tug tomorrow after weather has become calmer.  Better this loss than personal injury to others.  Continued business conference with Bush till about 10 P.M  Charge 2 hours and $1.00 for Bush telegram
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 2 hs. and 1.00$ [[/symbol and annotation]]