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[[New England written vertically in red in left margin]]
everything so well settled reposful, and well taken care off.  [[strikethrough]] Then into Vermont along hilly pasture lands and pretty farms [[/strikethrough]]
July 18 (Sunday) ^[[Left at 8:30 A.M]]^ Wonderful weather sunny and crisp.  Splendid roads along pretty [[red underline]] Lenox [[/red underline]]
At  [[red underline]] Curtis Hotel [[red underline]] saw [[red underline]] Schleussman [[/red underline]] on the Verandah. then a succession of pretty roads and smiling landscapes.  Less pretty and more congested near [[red underline]] Pittsfield [[/red underline]], then along North Adams into [[red underline]] Williamstown [[/red underline]] prettily situated.  Excellent roads everywhere.  Passed thru buildings of [[red underline]] Williams College [[/red underline]] then on to Manchester Vermont where we stopped for lunch at [[red underline]] Equinox House [[/red underline]], an excellent hotel, very clean and comfortable and good service.  Seems to be
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[[New England written vertically in red in left margin]]
a favorite with golfers.  Left at about 2:25 after stopping about 1 1/2 hs.  Roads now become rather dusty, and we meet a large number of automobiles, [[red underline]] mostly Ford cars. [[/red underline]]
Arrived at about 7 P.M at [[red underline]] Sunapee Lake [[red underline]] at the Granliden Hotel.  Very crowded.  Altho' had telegraphed for rooms [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] morning ^[[last night]]^[[red underline]] Celine and Nina [[red underline]] had the only available room while I had to go to a nearby cottage  The place seems to be rather ^[[too]]^ full of visitors [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] -- Made 141 miles today
July 19 Left at 9:30AM altho' it threatens rain, went over Franklin.  Until there roads were not very good.  Bursted one rear tire and took lunch on the road.  From Franklin on roads were excellent. Over Tilton The Weirs and along Lake [[red underline]] Winnepesaukee, Plymouth [[/red underline]] then over [[red underline]] Franconia Notch. [[/red underline]]