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work [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in department of [[red underline]] Transparent goods [[/red underline]] on account of [[red underline]] limited orders. [[/red underline]] 
Evening at 7 P.M special meeting of [[red underline]] Inventor's Guild, Weston presidency [[/red underline]] for first time. [[red underline]] Sprague [[/red underline]] has been instrumental in advising [[red underline]] Secretary of war Garrison [[/red underline]] to appoint [[red underline]] two representatives of Inventor's [[/red underline]] Guild in National Committee of Inventors [[/strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] advisors. Present [[red underline]] Pupin, Cooper Hewitt, Ellis, Winship, Sprague, Bradley, Robins West and Weston [[/red underline]]. I drove home with little car.

July 28. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] left for sea-shore I went to New York late afternoon to meet [[red underline]] Wallenstein who offers me to accept retainer for large project of manufacture of acetone from distillation of acetates the latter to be made from acetic acid [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] produced from alcohol. [[/red underline]] This is an enormous war order of Industrial Alcohol Co. [[red underline]] Declined offer because [[/red underline]] subject does not interest me and [[red underline]] do not want to curtail further my [[/red underline]] time. but [[red underline]] recommended Grosvenor. [[/red underline]] Went to University Club then supper at Mouquin then caught in drenching rain and took subway [[strikethrough]] home where [[/strikethrough]] to Cortlandt at about 8 P.M and Albert waited there with little car.

July 29. Weather more hot and sultry. Dictated letters and spent considerable time with writing opinion on situation in [[red underline]] Niagara Falls [[/red underline]] in regard to [[red underline]] complaints of neighbors. [[/red underline]] Wired for a 15 foot rowboat to Wisconsin
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 2 hs [[/symbol and annotation]]
Towards evening drove to University Club to meet [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] for supper. He wants [[strikethrough]] to talk to m [[/strikethrough]] my advice [[red underline]] about liquified chlorine [[/red underline]]